Friday, October 7, 2016

20 Funny Dogs Underwater by Seth Casteel

Funny dog underwater: We have all seen how fishes look underwater. There are so many pictures of human beings too underwater, but have you ever wondered how a dog looks like under the water? Have a look at these funny dogs underwater and I'm sure you will be stunned by what you see. Dogs love to play catch, so if you throw a ball or even a stick, they will rush to get it back for you, so you can throw them again. This wonderful photographer Seth Casteel has also done a wonderful job of taking these funny dogs pictures, so you can see what your favourite pet goes through, when he happens to fall into a pool or lake to grab his favourite ball. Enjoy these beautiful and funny dogs and maybe next time, don't through the balls into a pool where your little pet could drown.
Read Full Post here: Funny Dog Underwater
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